Monday, March 26, 2012

10 things i find hard right now…

Hello Guys,

  I’m sure your wondering why my title is named that. Well i’ve been doing homework all day to finish a project worth 60% of my grade… want to hear that worst part…. wait for it….. it’s a GROUP project. So my grade is now in my hand and 7 others. So because of that here are the 10 things i’m finding hard::


1.Typing correctly…

I’ve spell checked like 8 words so far.

2. Listening to music…

My roomies are playing cod… Bahaha ! although the music is bothering me.

3. Eating with chop stix…

Ugh.. i just want to eat my spaghetti.

4. Finishing my blog…

I just fell asleep.

5. Answering my texts…

Sorry Becky

6. Not reading blogs…

So i can keep writting my own

7. Thinking of things to hate…

I thought i got ok.

8. Starting to feel better…

I think, maybe not.

9. I’m hungry..

beefaroni i think its going to be. Once i get my homework done.

10. Not sending funny photo’s to Zana

Most are very funny !


Well i guess that means i’m all done right… Well THANK GOD, its time for me to get some homework sent in, Its due in an hour. HEHHE !




1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate to the whole reading other blogs thing, there're just so intriguing! Hopefully everything went well with your project.
